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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Ice Cream Bowls

So, my house has fallen into a horrid habit of....we break dishes..........alot

Because of this, we have very few bowls, and most of the time, whenever I need a bowl for something like soup, or queso, or cereal, there are no bowls left, aside from the ice cream sundae bowls, which are REALLY big bowls, and they have that diner look about them...onviously dessert bowls. But, i use them anyways, and through this, i have come to a realization....

Everything tastes better when it is eaten from an ice cream bowl....It just, makes the food so much happier!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

sooo....what had HAPPENED was.....

so, you know how when I made this blog, I was like "Don't worry, I shall never go weeks without responding, i promise!!!!'
and then I did.....


sorry Bout that....

I sorta kinda was grounded....heh

You see, the problem is, and is every year, that I start off thinking everything is under control, and things will be different, then I begin putting stuff off til I'm scrambling just to pass

It's not that I'm stupid, I'm quite smart, I just don't stuff in!!
So I am thrust into this never ending cycle in which I get nothing done and barely pass....It's annoying...

But I swear I'll get it this time!!! After I watch this one random video.......

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Stop it! >:l

You know how sometimes, people do things that are innocent and usually accidental, but they just annoy you to no end? Yes, I am speaking of a pet peeve. One big pet peeve of mine is talking on cell phones in the bathroom.
really, just talking in the bathroom at all

First off, I hate when you're using the restroom, and someone calls you. Usually I ignore it, because, it's just awkward to me to talk to someone in the bathroom. But if MOM calls, you had better answer it, because she doesn't give a flying fig newton if you were in the bathroom. And i hate it. And even though she knows I hate it, she continues with the pointless conversations, just rambling on and on and on. It drives my up the wall!

Secondly are the people who talk in the bathroom. I hate when I walk in to go, and BAM, in the next stall I hear someone having a conversation. I hate it, because I feel like it's rude of me to make any noise now, so I have this awkward moment of "oh god, hurry please, I wanna gooooo" until finally I go anyways, and just try to be as quiet as I can. Then I wont come out til they're gone because I dont want them giving me the look of "you're the one who just made my conversation sound immature and bathroomy"....yes, I worry about things like that...i hate bathrooms -.-

Lastly, I hate when you're having a conversation with someone, and you have to go to the bathroom. Oh no problem, I'll just follow you into the restroom and continue the conversation!....It is so awkward! because lets face it, we are not pleasant beings in the bathroom, and now your friend is standing there witnessing all of your displeasure-ness (I'm pretty sure I just made up a word there) because they were too impatient to wait for you to finish up before continuing the conversation. Really? really?!?!

So yes, I hate bathrooms. I hate everything about using a bathroom unless I am utterly alone....I'm a weirdo, I know

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Why aliens can never invade Earth effectively

I'm not going to say whether I beleive Aliens are real or not (although we ALL know they are TOTALLY real....I have fuzzy pictures of light to prove it!!!!)
But either way, they can't invade feasibly if they do exist, for multiple reasons

FIRST, weight
When we go to the moon, we are suddenly lighter yes? this is because the moon's gravitational pull is much less than the Earth's. So, if an alien comes from a planet smaller than the Earth, when they show up, they will have an extremely difficult time moving. Earth's gravitational pull in relation to the planet from where they came from will be so much stronger, they would be like lead weights. On the other side, if they came from a planet LARGER than Earth, then it would be like us on the moon, and they would constantly be floating away. Now, granted, this reason doesn't hold up if they come from a planet roughly the same size, which brings us to

SECOND reason, being air
when we travel from Earth to another planet, we have to bring along out giant can of air and a suit to keep out lungs working. This is because their air isn't made up the same as ours is. In reverse, if they came here, they would have to bring cans of their own air to breathe, which would make long term take overs unfeasible. This is the same reason we will never have to worry about out goldfish coming out of their fishbowls and killing us in our sleep.....probably

THIRDLY, food.
Whatever they eat on their planet is not what will be here. Their bodies will not have evolved to handle our foods and so they would have to bring their own food with them. This is only a short term solution. Long term menas they would have to raise/ grow their own food here, but that will run into problems one and two. So they would have to go through a long process of trying to adept to our food, which will probably end up killing most of them in the process.

FOURTH reason, jet lag
the planet they come from will most likely have a very different daily schedule from ours. They will have a difficult time trying to operate with our 24-hour day system, if they are used to, say, 40-hour days. They would quickly be disorientated as far as sleep needs, how long they have been here, etc.

FIFTH, weather
Seeing as how the planets are all different distances from the sun, that means that whatever planet they come from will be accustomed to warmer or cooler temperatures than Earth's, and depending how much further from Earth they were depends on how great a difference it will make, but regardless, it will be a big difference that will be extremely difficult to overcome

LASTLY, technology
now, I know everyone says that they will be technically more advanced than us, and that may be true, but that can be a vice. If something malfunctions, they may not be able to find the things that they need to repair it. It may also not be able to work in the conditions found on Earth. And, regardless of advancement, we use very different technology from them, and it will most likely end up confusing them. We would be just as confused if we go to their planet and have to try and figure out THEIR technology

So, that is why it is just unreasonable for aliens to ever take over

*disclaimer, I do NOT believe in aliens....if you do, well....more power to ya

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Yes.....I am making two posts back to back.

(I'm also hyper since I just had a giant cup o' coffee n a Snickers ^-^)

so, to be in the mood for Halloween, I have been watching an array of scary movies. One is the old original Nightmare on Elm Street. I had never seen it, and it's a classic.

All I had to say though was....WTF?!
I know it's a classic, and it had an amazing story plot. But some of the movie was just....well, wtf

First, the blood gyser.

W. T. Fuggin'. F?!
What human body holds that much blood?! I don't think a cow even has that much blood!!! I mean, good grief! They discovered how to spin the room, and decided it would be a good idea to pour a pools worth of blood in? It looks like the love child of Old Reliable and the Kool-aid man......this was the point in the movie where no one was scared anymore...they were too busy laughing their asses off.

The telephone

no..... this is just, no! gah, what the ehf?! I.....this was just weird. And you could actually buy this thing?! Why?! why would anyone want to? yes, i just enjoy having a creepy dead mans tongue trying to flop into my mouth while I talk
"I think we shoul ju-blergh urgh lrmm frehh"
"Susie? You okay?"
"sorry, had to dislodge this creepy tongue from my throat! so, where were we?"

I mean...why would you want to use this?! ugh, it's just so...ew

Freddy's Death
I couldn't find a pic for it, but pretty much, at the end of the movie, Freddy is....destroyed...sorta.... and how does he die?

he explodes into blue glitter.


really? I know, they had just started to discover Special effects, but glitter? I highly doubt that someone as evil and demented as Freddie would explode into glitter...maybe fire or something, but glitter?! was he secretly gay or something? I, it just isn't cool. it's lame.

Throughout the movie there were a few more WTF and cheesy moments, some cheesy enough to make mac n cheese with, but in the end, it was a pretty good movie. It had a good plot, and it was good! It just had a few WTF moments along the way.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Hello World!

   I didn't want to be one of those people who does this, but I felt it may be necissary. Neccisary? Neccissary? HOW THE EF DO YOU SPELL THIS WORD?! >:|

whatever.....anyways, this will be a very VERY random blog...a bit like me!!!
I will post stories, lists, rants, pictures, videos, anything that I feel like doing. Sometimes, I may make 5 new posts in one day. Other times I may not post for weeks at a time (although I will try not to do that, cuz it's annoying)

So that's pretty much all this post is about....Yeah, I know, a little lame, but I didn't want to just jump into it without any explanation as to what's going on, so, there ya have it!

........nah, this is too short.....and dull......


Okay, about me segment (how fun! -sarcasm-)

     I'm a High School girl living in Dallas, Tx, i play violin and will hopefully be learning guitar and piano at some point. I love video, alot. I've been playing video games since I was 8.
     I have a very strange style..... theres lots of colors n stripes in skirts n weird shirts n hats n belts n necklaces n corsets n neon n lots of weird stuff. I'll prove it

That's how I dress to like....go to school. Or the store. That's just how I dress. Yes, I am wearing five belts and neon converse. That is just how I roll.....yes, I did just really say that

I am extremely clumsy, I go to alot of parties, I am addicted to gummi worms and my favorite color is green.

Well, that's all for this post! If you have questions, E-mail me

and yes, I'll post something more interesting and funny up later, don't worry
