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Monday, October 11, 2010

Hello World!

   I didn't want to be one of those people who does this, but I felt it may be necissary. Neccisary? Neccissary? HOW THE EF DO YOU SPELL THIS WORD?! >:|

whatever.....anyways, this will be a very VERY random blog...a bit like me!!!
I will post stories, lists, rants, pictures, videos, anything that I feel like doing. Sometimes, I may make 5 new posts in one day. Other times I may not post for weeks at a time (although I will try not to do that, cuz it's annoying)

So that's pretty much all this post is about....Yeah, I know, a little lame, but I didn't want to just jump into it without any explanation as to what's going on, so, there ya have it!

........nah, this is too short.....and dull......


Okay, about me segment (how fun! -sarcasm-)

     I'm a High School girl living in Dallas, Tx, i play violin and will hopefully be learning guitar and piano at some point. I love video, alot. I've been playing video games since I was 8.
     I have a very strange style..... theres lots of colors n stripes in skirts n weird shirts n hats n belts n necklaces n corsets n neon n lots of weird stuff. I'll prove it

That's how I dress to like....go to school. Or the store. That's just how I dress. Yes, I am wearing five belts and neon converse. That is just how I roll.....yes, I did just really say that

I am extremely clumsy, I go to alot of parties, I am addicted to gummi worms and my favorite color is green.

Well, that's all for this post! If you have questions, E-mail me

and yes, I'll post something more interesting and funny up later, don't worry


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